If you’re seeing a green dot next to a contact’s name in the conversation list or a badge count either next to “Conversations” or on your mobile app, it means you have some unreplied conversations in Captivated. The unreplied badge count / green dot next to a contact’s name is meant to remind you to do one of two things:
1) respond back to contact
2) complete your conversation in the upper right-hand corner
Having some active and unreplied conversations is okay, but there shouldn’t be an excessive amount. If there are, it means that users aren’t completing their conversations on a regular basis, allowing their list of active conversations to fill up with old messages and potentially missing conversations that still need attention.
You can filter by unreplied conversations in the conversation list so that you can see who is still waiting for a response and mark conversations complete as needed. To do so, select “Active” from the dropdown menu in the conversation list filter and choose “unreplied”.
- Questions? You can chat with Captivated Support via the left-hand menu or text Captivated Support at 317.316.3600