Conversation Actions

There are several conversation actions listed below. Scroll down for additional information on each item.

Taking a Conversation from the Queue Video Walkthrough

Taking a Conversation from the Queue Step by Step Instructions

Take a conversation from your inbound message queue by clicking the take button with the finger icon in the green banner the upper left of your Captivated browser. If you have queue previewing available, you can use the drop down arrow to the right of finger icon to see a list of queued conversations. From there, you can scroll and select the conversation(s) you need to take.

Taking a conversation makes you the owner of the conversation and adds this conversation to your active filter.


Transferring a Conversation to another User/Queue Video Walkthrough

Transfer a Conversation to another User/Queue Step by Step Instructions

To transfer a conversation to another user/queue, click the Transfer button above your conversation thread and use the dropdown menu to select the user or queue you want to transfer it to.

This will remove the conversation from your active filter, but you can still find it again if you navigate to your “all conversations” filter.

You can only transfer a conversation if you are the owner of the conversation (meaning your avatar is the largest and first in line). 


Adding a Team Member or Manager to a Conversation Video Walkthrough

Adding a Team Member or Manager to a Conversation Step by Step Instructions

To add a manager or team member to a conversation while staying in the conversation yourself, use the ‘Members’ button to the right of the transfer button, select a user and click ‘Add.

That added user will now be able to communicate internally using internal notes as well as text the customer directly.


Leaving a Conversation Video Walkthrough

Leaving a Conversation Step by Step Instructions

If you are joined to a conversation and simply wish to leave it, use the ‘Leave’ button the the right of the Transfer button above your message thread. 

Joining a Conversation Video Walkthrough

Joining a Conversation Step by Step Instructions

To join a conversation you are not currently a member of, change your conversation filters to “everyone” and “all” or use the magnifying glass to locate the conversation you would like to join and then hit the green “join” button. 

You will become a member of the conversation and the conversation will now show in your active filter. 

Completing a Conversation Video Walkthrough

Completing a Conversation Step by Step Instructions

When finished with a conversation, the conversation owner (indicated by the avatar within the conversation list and in the top right-hand corner of the conversation) should use the ‘Complete’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the conversation to complete it. Doing this removes the conversation from your active filter. You can always locate the conversation again by navigating to your “completed” conversation filter. 

Note: Only the conversation’s owner can complete it; if you are simply joined to the conversation, you’ll see the option to leave it.


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