Text to Locate (Location Request) Customer's can share their exact location with you using our Location Request feature.
Secure Chat Need to have a more secure conversation with your patients, clients, students, customers, etc.? Medical offices, law offices, financial services,...
Team Chat Communicate one-on-one with team members in Captivated or with an entire team in Captivated using our internal team chat.
How do I send messages to multiple contacts? We've improved the process for sending announcements and now offer more insights and reporting on your texts to multiple recipients. Click here to learn more.
Google Reviews In a review-driven consumer world, it is imperative that we take every opportunity to collect Google reviews from our happy...
Video Chat Connect with your customers virtually using our secure video chat. No app to download and you don't have to use your personal phone number.
Automation Events & Workflows Automation Events offer powerful ways to customize the behavior of Captivated by automatically performing specific actions when certain events take place. The easiest way to understand automation events is to use the following statement: When a specific event occurs, automatically perform one or more actions. Consider it an automatic, customizable cause-and-effect. Click here to learn more and watch the video!
Sending Forms / Form Pre-Fill Pre-fill and send live forms via text and receive form responses inline as well as via email.